
Book reviewed in this article:Year Book of Veterinary Medicine. Volume 1: Edited by W. F. Riley. K. W. Smith and R. J. Flynn (1963)Animal Anaesthesia. Volume 1, Local Anaesthesia: M. Westhaus and R. Fritsch. (Translated by A. D. Weaver.) (1964) Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh and London. Price 45s.Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Zoonoses: Second Report (1959). World Health Organization Technical Report Series, No. 169.Published jointly by WHO and FAO, GenevaExpert Committee on Rabies: Fourth Report (1960) World Health Organization Technical Report Series, No. 201.Published by WHO, GenevaTowards More Pelts: R. G. Rees (1963) Chinchilla Pelt Marketing Association, BradfordLooking After Your Cat: J. Montgomery (1964) George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London. Price 12s. 6d.ALSO RECEIVED FOR REVIEW Renal Injury in Dogs with Pyometra: Å. Åsheim (1963) Almqvist & WiksellsBoktryckevi A.B., Uppsala. (Thesis conducted by the author at the Departments of Surgery and Clinical Bio‐Chemistry, Royal Veterinary College, Stockholm, Sweden.) C.P.M.A. News Letter (February 1964) Serial publication of the Chinchilla Pelt Marketing Association, 95 Godwin Street, Bradford 1, Yorkshire, England.

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