
Mexican Politics in Transition. Edited by Judith Gentleman. Boulder, Colorado/London: Westview Press. 1987. 320pp. 534.95hb Mexico: inside the volcano. Alan Riding. London: I B Taurus. 1987. 401pp. £19.50hb Libyan Politics: Tribe and Revolution: an account of the Zuwaya and their government. John Davis. London: I B Tauris. 1987. 297pp. £29.50hb. £9.50pb The IMF and the World Bank in Africa: conditionality, impact and alternatives. Edited by Kjell J Havnevik. Uppsala, Sweden: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. 1987. 176pp. n/p African Debt and Financing. Edited by Carol Lancaster and John Williamson. Washington DC: Institute for International Economics. 1986. 223pp. n/p The IMF and Ghana: the confidential record. Edited by Eboe Hutchful. London: Zed Press. 1987. 298pp. £30.95hb/£9.95pb State, Resistance and Change in South Africa. Edited by Philip Frankel, Noam Pines and Mark Swilling London: Croom Helm. 1988. 325pp. £3O.OOhb Confrontation and Liberation in Southern Africa: regional directions after the Nkomati Accord. Edited by Ibrahim S R Msabaha and Timothy M Shaw. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press/London: Gower. 1987. 315pp. £18.50hb Indonesia and the Rule of Law: twenty years of ‘New Order’ government. Edited by Hans Thoolen. London: Frances Pinter. 1987. 208pp. Indonesia: muslims on trial. Tapol. London: Tapol. 1987. 114pp. £4.00pb Images of Women: the portrayal of women in photography of the Middle East 1860–1950. Sarah Graham‐Brown. London: Quartet Books. 1988. 274pp. £22.50hb Anatomy of Disaster Relief: the international network in action. Randolph C Kent. London: Frances Pinter. 1987. 210pp. £20.00hb.

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