
Book reviewed in this article:Amniotic Fluid, 2nd edition, completely revised by D. V.I. Fairweather and T.K.A.B. Eskes. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York, 1978. (ISBN 90 219 2111 I). 455 pages. US dollars 78.25.Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology by Lothar Popp and Russel J. Thornsen, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, McGraw‐Hill Book Company, New York 1978. (ISBN 0‐07‐050507‐1). DM. 40.70.Surveillance for the prevention and control of health hazards due to antibiotic‐resistant enterobacteria. Report of a WHO Meeting. World Health Organization Technical Report Series, 1978. No. 624 (ISBN 92 4 120624 1). 55 pages. Sw. Fr. 6.Clinics in obstetrics and gynecology, volume 5, no. 3, December 1978, Gynaecological Surgery, 747 p. Guest editors: David H. Lees and Albert Singer. W.B. Saunders Comp. Ltd, London 1978. Pound sterling 8,25.Obstetrics & Gynaecology by R. W. Taylor and M. G. Brush. Bailliere Tindall, London, 1978. (ISBN 0 7020 0664 0).Research in human reproduction: Strengthening in resources in developing countries. Report of a WHO Study Group. World Health Organization Technical Report Series, 1978, No. 627 (ISBN 92 4 120627 6). 16 pages. Sw. Fr. 4.

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