
Book reviews in this article:Roeber, Joe. Social Change at Work: The ICI Weekly Staff Agreement.Becker, Selwyn W. and Neuhauser, Duncan. The Efficient Organization.Filley, Alan C., House, Robert J. and Kerr, Steven. Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior.D'Aprix, Roger M. In Search of a Corporate Soul.Finch, Frederick, Jones, Halsey R. and Litterer, Joseph A. Managing for Organizational Effectiveness: An Experiential Approach.Taylor, Bernardand Lippitt, Gordon L. (Eds.) Management Development and Training Handbook.Nash, Allan N. and Carroll, Stephen J., Jr. The Management of Compensation.Warr, Peterand Wall, Toby. Work and Well‐being.White, James R. H. Successful Supervision.Mahler, Walter R. How Effective Executives Interview: A Guide to Intelligent Inquiry and Counseling.McCormick, Ernest J. Human Factors in Engineering and Design.Rubin, Jeffrey Z. and Brown, Bert R. The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation.Myers, M. Scott. Managing Without Unions.Miller, Kenneth M. Psychological Testing in Personnel Assessment.Wallace, Phyllis A. (Editor) Equal Employment Opportunity and the AT&T Case.Parker, L. Craig, Jr. and Meier, Robert D. Interpersonal Psychology for Law Enforcement and Corrections.Burke, W. Warner. (Ed.) New Technologies in Organization Development 1.Adams, John D. (Editor) New Technologies in Organization Development 2.Ford, David L., Jr. (Editor) Readings in Minority‐Group Relations.Eckles, R. W., Carmichael, R. L. and Sarchet, B. R. Supervisory Management: A Short Course in Supervision.Thomason, George. A Textbook of Personnel Management.Randolph, RobertM. Planagement—Moving Concept into Reality.Berwitz, Clement J. The Job Analysis Approach to Affirmative Action.Moore, Larry F. (Editor) Manpower Planning for Canadians: An Anthology.Albano, Charles. Transactional Analysis on the Job.Aram, John D. Dilemmas of Administrative Behavior.Argyris, Chris. Chris Argyris on Organization: Predictions'Prescriptions.Bennis, Warren. The Unconscious Conspiracy: Why Leaders Can't Lead.Blake, Robert and Mouton, Jane Srygley. Diary of an OD Man.Cass, Eugene Louis and Zimmer, Frederick G. (Eds.) Man and Work in Society.Chruden, Herbert J. and Sherman, Arthur W., Jr. Personnel Management.Chruden, Herbert J. and Sherman, Arthur W., Jr. (Eds.) Readings in Personnel Management.Colter, Sherwin B. and Guerra, Julio J. Assertion Training: A Humanistic Guide to Self‐Dignity.Dinsmore, Francis W. Developing Tomorrow's Managers Today.Dubin, Robert. (Editor) Handbook of Work, Organization and Society.Dunnette, Marvin D. (Editor) Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.Ebon, Martin. The Satan Trap: Dangers of the Occult.Farnsworth, Terry. Developing Executive Talent: A Practical Guide.Follmann, Joseph F., Jr. Alcoholics and Business: Problems, Costs, Solutions.Guttentag, Marcia and Struening, Elmer L. (Eds.) Handbook of Evaluation Research, Vol. 2.Hall, Douglas T. Careers in Organizations.Hoper, Claus, Kutzleb, Ulrike, Stobbe, Alke and Weber, Bertram. Awareness Games: Personal Growth through Group Interaction.Howell, William C. Essentials of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.Husband, T. M. Work Analysis and Pay Structure. Interviewer's Manual.Johnson, Richard A., Monsen, R. Joseph, Knowles, Henry P. and Saxberg, Borje O. Management, Systems, and Society: An Introduction.Klein, Lisl. New Forms of Work Organization.Kreps, Juanita and Clark, Robert. Sex, Age, and Work.Landy, Frank J. and Trumbo, Don A. Psychology of Work Behavior.Lange, Arthur J. and Jakubowski, Patricia. Responsible Assertive Behavior: Cognitive'Behavioral Procedures for Trainers.Lawler, Edward E., III and Rhode, John Grant. Information and Control in Organizations.Leibenstein, Harvey. Beyond Economic Man: A New Foundation for Microeconomics.McGinnis, Thomas C. and Ayers, John U. Open Family Living: A New Approach for Enriching Your Life Together.Morris, William C. and Sashkin, Marshall. Organization Behavior in Action: Skill Building Exercises.O'Leary, Lawrence R. Interviewing for the Decision Maker.Palm, J. Daniel. Diet Away Your Stress, Tension, and Anxiety: The Fructose Diet Book.Pearse, Robert F. and Pelzer, B. Purdy. Self‐Directed Change for the Mid‐Career Manager.Reddin, W. J. Effectiveness Areas: A Self‐Instruction Guide Based on the 3‐D Theory.Rendero, Thomasine. (Editor) Communicating with Subordinates.Rogers, Everett M. and Rogers, Rekha Agarwala. Communication in Organizations.Scanlan, Burt K. Management 18: A Short Course for Managers.Schneider, Benjamin. Staffing Organizations.Struening, Elmer L. and Guttentag, Marcia. (Eds.) Handbook of Evaluation Research, Vol. 1.Szasz, Thomas. Heresies.Warner, Silas L. and Rosenberg, Edward B. Your Child Learns Naturally.Worthley, Jean Reese. The Complete Family Nature Guide.Yoder, Dale and Heneman, Herbert G., Jr. (Eds.) Employee and Labor Relations, Volume III of the ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations.

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