
Book reviews in this article:Davis, Louis E., Cherns, Albert B., et al. (Editors) The Quality of Working Life. Volume One: Problems, Prospects, and the State of the Art. Volume Two: Cases and Commentary.Steers, Richard M. and Porter, Lyman W. Motivation and Work Behavior.Strauss, George, Miles, Raymond E., Snow, Charles C. and Tannenbaum, Arnold S. (Editors) Organizational Behavior: Research and Issues.Zoll, Allen A., Jr. Explorations in ManagingValentine, Raymond F. Productive Interviewing: I. The Selection Interview.Hinrichs, John R. Productive Interviewing: 2. The Exit Interview.Faber, Don. Productive Interviewing: 3. Appraisal and Career‐Counseling Interviews.Bassett, Glenn A. Productive Interviewing: 4. The Problem‐Employee Interview. Approaches to Test Validation.Bennis, Warren. Warren Bennis on Leaders: An Endangered Species?Feinberg, Mortimer R. Corporate Bigamy: Living with Job and Family.Dichter, Ernest. Everyday Creativity. Employee Attitude Surveys.Kaufman, Harold G. (Editor) Career Management: A Guide to Combating Obsolescence.Kellogg, Marion S. What to Do About Performance Appraisal.Wiliams, Richard L. and Moffat, Gfneh. (Editors) Occupational Alcoholism Programs. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1975. Pp. xiii + 282.Gardner, Ward and Taylor, Peter. Health at Work.Wright, H. Beric. Executive Ease and Disease.Jones, Alan and Whittaker, Peter. Testing Industrial Skills.Katzell, Raymond A., Yankelovich, Daniel, Et al. Work, Productivity, and Job Satisfaction: An Evaluation of Policy‐Related Research.Champion, Dean J. The Sociology of Organizations.Higginson, Margaret V. and Quick, Thomas L. The Ambitious Woman's Guide to a Successful Career.Ammerman, Harry L., Essex, Duane W. and Pratzner, Frank C. Rating the Job Significance of Technical Concepts: An Application to Three Occupations.O'Neill, Michael E. and Martensen, Kai R. Criminal Justice Group Training: A Facilitator's Handbook.Fromkin, Howard L. and Sherwood, John J. (Editors) Intergroup and Minority Relations: An Experiential Handbook.Wortman, Max S., Jr. and Sperling, Joann. Defining the Manager's Job.Kline, Paul. Psychology of Vocational Guidance.Rosenzweig, Mark R. and Porter, Lyman W. (Editors). Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 27.Ackerman, Robert W. The Social Challenge to Business.Adams, John D. (Editor) New Technologies in Organization Development 2.Athearn, Forden. How to Divorce Your Wife: The Man's Side of Divorce.Baer, Walter E. Strikes: A Study of Conflict and How to Resolve It.Banet, Anthony G., Jr. Creative Psychotherapy: A Source Book.Barbach, Lonnie Garfield. For Yourself: The Fulfillment of Female Sexuality.Becker, Selwyn W. and Neuhauser, Duncan. The Efficient Organization.Berwitz, Clement J. The Job Analysis Approach to Affirmative Action.Burke, W. Warner. (Editor) New Technologies in Organization Development I.Cohen, Arthur M. and Smith, R. Douglas. The Critical Incident in Growth Groups: A Manual for Group Leaders.Cohen, Arthur M. and Smith, R. Douglas. The Critical Incident in Growth Groups: Theory and Technique.Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Beyond Boredom and Anxiety.D'Aprix, Roger M. In Search of a Corporate Soul.Eckles, R. W., Carmichael, R. L. and Sarchet, B. R. Supervisory Management: A Short Course in Supervision.Fernandez, John P. Black Managers in White Corporations.Filley, Alan C., House, Robert J. and Kerr, Steven. Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior.Finch, Frederic E., Jones, Halsey R. and Litterer, Joseph A. Managing for Organizational Effectiveness: An Experiential Approach.Ford, David L., Jr. (Editor) Readings in Minority‐Group Relations.Freud, Anna. The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense.Hall, Edward T. Beyond Culture.Mahler, Walter R. How Effective Executives Interview: A Guide to Intelligent Inquiry and Counseling.McCormick, Ernest J. Human Factors in Engineering and Design.Miller, Kenneth M. Psychological Testing in Personnel Assessment.Moore, Larry F. (Editor) Manpower Planning for Canadians: An Anthology.Myers, M. Scott. Managing without Unions.Nash, Allan N. and Carroll, Stephen J., Jr. The Management of Compensation.Parker, L. Craig, Jr. and Meier, Robert D. Interpersonal Psychology for Law Enforcement and Corrections.Randolph, Robert M. Planagement—Moving Concept into Reality.Roeber, Joe. Social Change at Work: The ICI Weekly Staff Agreement.Rubin, Jeffrey Z. and Brown, Bert R. The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation.Schur, Max. Freud: Living and Dying.Shrader, Wesley. The Amazing Power of Hypnosis: What It Can Do for You.Thomason, George. A Textbook of Personnel Management.Wallace, Phyllis A. (Editor) Equal Employment Opportunity and the AT&T Case.Warr, Peter and Wall, Toby. Work and Well‐being.

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