
One important way to improve product quality is by calibrating the instruments. Based on the traditional Digital Multimeter calibration process like gathering data, analysis and evaluation, make calibration certificate are still manually works. However, the calibrated measuring instrument is must be audited periodically, the data integrity is low since the calibration data only verified by laboratorium itself and the data on the calibration certificate can potentially be changed (data-tampering) unilaterally to avoid the founded at the time of inspection from the auditor. Previous research as demonstrated that Digital Mutimeter calibration have been used information technology solutions using client-server and internet-enabled architectures, but the data management is still performed by centralized network. In this paper we have proposed system design of Blockchain-based technology for Digital Multimeter calibration which are a distributed system concept to every node in a network, but no nodes can control totally. Hence, the focus and the contribution of this paper is to proposed new system design as a Blockchain-based for Calibration of Digital Multimeter system. The proposed system design would have better data integrity to prevent potential data manipulation (tampering-data) for Digital Multimeter calibration results.

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