
Fieldwork supported by the Cultural inventory Project of TUBA-TUKSEK, which consisted of documenting the urban cultural heritage in Birecik, was carried out between 2001 and 2003 The fieldwork of2003 started on September 7th and continued until! September 18th. One day of work was also carried out in Suruc on September 15th. The borders of the fieldwork region were established as the Ataturk Ilkokulu Street in The north and the Gaziantep-Sanliurfa road in the south. Inventory forms for housing blocks, which were not previously documented were filled out during the 2003 season. A total of 28 building insulae (202, 237-241, 243-247, 249, 251-254, 267-272, 274, 275, 366, 367, 371, 376) m the north and 22 (1-3, 5, 11, 13-24, 298, 353, 356, 358-353) m the south were documented. With the addition of blocks 174, 176 and 177 at the center of the city, and blocks 280 and 297 in the north, the documentation of the cultural entities of the historical town of Birecik is completed. With the addition of 265 inventory forms from the year 2003, a total of 718 inventory forms have been filled out in Birecik. Approximately 2000 digital photographs, 1050 black and white photographs and 36 color slides were taken during the fieldwork of 2001-2003. Since 18 inventory forms were completed in one day in Suruc, it is most probable that 7 days will be adequate time to document all the cultural features of the town of Suruc

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