
Problem Statement and Purpose. In the conditions of economic crisis, significant reduction of funds for scientific research on the one hand, and deterioration of the eco­logical state of the natural system environment-man on the other, there is an urgent necessity to use less expensive but modern methods of research of man-made soils with the aim of doing its ecotoxic assessment. One of the most common methods that meet these needs are biotesting methods. In today's conditions, they are used by biolo­gists, ecologists, geologists, soil scientists, physicians. Such popularity of biotesting methods is caused by their simplicity of performance, wide possibilities of researches, considerable informativeness concerning pollution of practically all components of environment. The purpose of this study is to analyze and summarize existing methods of biotesting in order to use them in determining the ecological status of soils.Data & Methods. As a methodological basis used the developments that are out-lined in scientific papers published by R. Kabirov, K. Kozeev, J. Didukh, A. Gorova, A. Bubnov, O. Baghdasaryan and own research concerning biotesting of soils of the city of Odessa were used. Both general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, system­atic approach, induction and deduction) and specific scientific methods were used in the work: historical-geographical, comparative- geographical.Results. The current system of environmental pollution control is based on a quantita­tive comparison of the component composition of samples with the maximum allow­able concentrations of bulk forms of pollutants. This approach does not allow taking into account all possible interactions between chemical compounds; is time-consum­ing in research and does not determine the effect of mobile forms, the most toxic to living organisms. To determine the degree of toxicity of soils and other components of the bioenvironment is possible through biotesting. Modern methods of biotesting make it possible to obtain an integrated toxicological characteristic of complex con­tamination of both soils and other components of the bioenvironment by the reaction of living organisms.Various test systems, from bacteria to mammals, are used to assess the state of the environment. However, the most common methods of biotesting are tests with using plants. With the help of plants bioindication of various components of the natural environment is conducted. Indicator plants are used in assessing the acid composition of soils, their fertility, waterlogging and salinization; the degree of mineralization of groundwater and the degree of air pollution by various gaseous compounds, etc. In recent decades, special attention has been paid to the study of the ecological condition of urban and suburban areas. A feature of soil pollution (especially urban) with chem­icals is their multicomponent nature. Currently, biotesting methods are widely used in soil research due to oil pollution, heavy metal pollution of urban areas, anthropogenic pollution of rural areas, pollution by fluoride compounds and other toxic substances that degrade not only the environment but also significantly affect human health.Despite some disadvantages of biotesting, the prospects of controlling anthropogenic soil pollution with biotests are justified by numerous studies by scientists from dif­ferent countries. Biotesting methods can be recommended for continuous rapid mon­itoring of the environment of industrial areas and natural and economic complexes, control of harmful emissions of enterprises, environmental certification of enterprises and individual areas. The ecological status of bioindicators can be used as additional information in assessing of public health.

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