
There is increased trend of binge watching on the Internet Television Network (ITN) among youth has gained notable scholarly interest in studying this new concept. Limited studies, however, have focused the effects of binge watching on youth. With its theoretical foundations on Uses and gratifications theory and the Model of the antecedents and consequences of Binge Watching, our study was an attempt to fill this gap. The major objectives included the exploration of the consumption patterns and effects of binge watching. Data on self-perceived physical, psychological and social effects of binge watching was collected (N=500). The results discovered a high ratio of the consumption of ITN at late night. The reported reason was to avoid disturbance and interruption. The reported needs included, companionship, stress-relief, escapism, diversion and social acceptance. A significant association between binge watching and physical, psychological and social effects was also found which demands grave and prompt concern of stakeholders including parents, policy makers and ITN owners.

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