
Genetically encoded fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) indicators are powerful tools for real-time detection of second messenger molecules and activation of signal proteins. However, these fluorescent protein-based sensors typically display marginal FRET efficiency. To improve their FRET efficiency for optical imaging and screening, we developed a number of fluorescent protein mutants based on cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). To improve FRET ratios, which were initially within a narrow dynamic range, we used DNA shuffling to develop a new FRET pair called 3xCFP/Venus. The optimized 3xCFP/Venus pair exhibited higher FRET ratios than CyPet/YPet, which has one of the greatest dynamic ranges of protein-based FRET pairs. We converted this FRET pair to a Ca2+ FRET indicators using circular permutation Venus (cpVenus) linked with 3xCFP to form 3xCFP/cpVenus, which displayed an ∼11-fold change in dynamic range in response to Ca2+ binding. The enhanced dynamic range for Ca2+ concentration detection using 3xCFP/cpVenus was confirmed in PC12 cells using previously established indicators (TN-XXL, ECFP/cpCitrine). To our knowledge, this FRET pair displays the largest dynamic range so far among genetically-encoded sensors, and can be used for sensitive FRET detection.

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