
Abstrac : The aim of this research is to describe the forms of honorific expressions in the community of GunungSejuk Village. This study uses descriptive qualitative method aimed at revealing an empirical fact objectively scientifically based on scientific logic, procedures and supported by strong methodology and theoretical according to the scientific discipline that is pursued. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by Observation Method, Data collection techniques by conducting direct observations of GunungSejuk people to find forms of language honorific expressions used by the people of GunungSejuk Village, in this observation technique researchers used two types of observations namely , free observation and planned observation. The technique of cooperating with technical informants obtains data by working with informants about the forms of honorific expressions in Ciacia language, the technique of referring and noting is recording all the data obtained from the informant. recording technique is a technique used to record the conversation of informants in the community of GunungSejuk Village. From the results of research conducted on the Analysis of Honorific Forms in the Language of Ciacia. So the author can conclude that the people of GunungSejuk Village use honorific forms of communication. The honorific forms are categorized into five types of honorifics, namely, kinship honorifics, honorific personal pronouns, title honorifics, position honorifics and professional honorifics. The use of honorific forms is used in the communication process in the community of GunungSejuk Village based on the level of social position in the community. Keywords: CiaciaLanguage; Honorific; Shape

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