
The article discusses the relationship between the concepts of sustainable development and the creation of a barrier-free environment on different design levels. The implementation of the concept of sustainable city development, take into account its principles at all levels of urban infrastructure, has a positive impact on the environmental, social and economic components of the state of society. The goal and result of the urban development should be a sustainable city that can support itself not only with minimal environmental dependence, but also with the possibility of creating a sustainable environment and through the formation of a sustainable community, including the creation of a barrier-free environment. The interconnection of the concept of inclusive design and the concept of sustainable city development is carried out in particular by the formation of barrier-free routes and areas in the city.An analysis of theoretical studies of the barrier-free organization environment showed that it is much better studied outside Ukraine. In our country, this issue has long been raised only at the legislative level, and has begun to be covered relatively recently in scientific works. Foreign sources determine the categories of people who require the creation of a barrier-free environment and list their requirements. Based on this material, scientists proposed several basic principles and methods for solving this issue, as well as theoretical models for organizing a barrier-free environment. Requirements for creating a barrier-free approach should be combined with urban planning principles for the formation of residential groups, housing estates, districts, transport framework, and recreational territories. To determine the means of creating a barrier-free environment, it is necessary to compile a classification of barriers. According to it, barriers are divided into artificial and natural. This distribution makes us pay attention to the fact that people themselves create barriers in the urban environment. A model of the environment formed by the method of barrier-free areas is based on a system of barrier-free routes with key nodal points. Each of these points is the core of a barrier-free range, which in turn forms a subsystem of barrier-free routes and spaces.

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