
The article presents the main principles of the axiological approach to the formation of the content of higher education in the context of current global trends and challenges caused by the modernization of the educational environments in Ukraine and the EU. The socio-economic, political, technological and cultural transformations that have been taking place in the world over the recent decades have had a significant impact on the development of education. In 2018, the EU adopted the key competencies for lifelong learning, including digital competence and entrepreneurship, which were introduced for the first time. This demonstrates that in order for the graduates to be employed universities have to respond quickly to the new labour market requirements and promote the formation of a competitive personality that has well-developed life, career and study skills. The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement was signed in 2014, and since then the cooperation between Ukrainian and European educational institutions has got intensified. In this respect, it is vital to consider the axiological aspects of higher education and the determination of value components of the content and criteria of high quality education. By definition, the axiological approach proclaims the human being as the highest value of society and allows integrating the development of universal, national, professional and personal values in the educational process. The university is able to be the environment where the formation and consolidation of the value sphere of the individual takes place. The content of the value component of education is formed at the state level within regulatory documents and at the university level within the framework of educational and professional programs, training courses, compulsory and elective disciplines. However, formal copying of the value-based education of other countries cannot bring the desired results, as the factors that determine which values are the basis for the content of higher education in European countries differ from those in Ukraine. A comparative analysis of the value component of the content of university education in Ukraine and the EU countries shows that national traditions of lifestyle, production practice, politics and culture are essential the development of education

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