
This research is aimed to investigate on the level of awareness about financial/investment products among the working professional in Delhi/NCR. Financial/Investment assets such as mutual funds, fixed deposits, Public Provident Funds (PPF), Insurance, Equity (shares), Recurring deposits (RD), Provident Funds (PF), Post office schemes and Commodity Derivatives are selected for studying level of awareness among sample respondents. Research also analyzed insights about retirement planning, factors influencing decision making for investment, Income range for first time investors and percentage of total income invested in financial products. Cluster analysis technique has been used to divide the entire population into two unique clusters; constituent elements of a cluster have similar characteristics in terms of awareness about the financial/investment products. Upon analyzing data, it is clear that awareness about range of Financial/investment products is very less among working professionals. People hesitate investing in complex financial products such as equities and derivatives due to their risky nature and are quite less aware about the risk management strategies. This research is useful for various investment companies and for people who are looking forward towards making an investment.

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