
Today, Ukraine has various incentives mechanisms for civil servants, the main types of which are material and moral incentives. In order to understand the basic motivational factors of the civil servant's activity, there is a need to study their main means of material encouragement, among which the premium has always occupied and still holds a prominent place. The purpose of the article is to study bonuses as a material means of encouraging civil servants as subjects of labor law based on the analysis of the provisions of domestic legislation in the considered area and the views of scientists, researchers of this issue. The work draws the following conclusions: 1) encouragement for success in work is one of the important elements of labor discipline and consists in positive stimulation of employees for conscientious work and successful performance of their work duties. It is noted that measures to encourage employees perform two important functions: on the one hand, they are a factor in increasing the professional activity of employees, and on the other hand, they are an important factor in strengthening labor discipline; 2) bonuses are named as one of the means of material encouragement, whose main task is to support and strengthen the material interest of employees in the results of work. Attention is paid to the fact that such a material means of encouragement as a bonus is used in the event of a more active labor activity of the employee, exceeding the general daily requirements of the duties assigned to him. That is, not all means of remuneration are incentives, but only those that are used for any labor achievements, in particular such type of material incentive as bonuses; 3) after analyzing the normative and legal acts regarding the awarding of civil servants, it is noted that, despite the positive aspects, many issues remain out of the legislator's attention until now, in particular, there was no official definition of the legal category "award”, its size is clearly defined; 4) supporting the positions of other researchers in the issue of rewarding civil servants, it is proposed to legislate the concept of "bonus” and determine its size, on the example of foreign countries, which will contribute to strengthening the role of the bonus as a material means of encouragement.

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