
Abstract The average freight locomotive travels less than 60 miles per day. It spends about half of its time either in the hands of the transportation department moving trains or ready to move them, or in the hands of the motive-power department being repaired and prepared. There is naturally avoiduble waste in each department, and questions which may accordingly be asked relate to whether the engines are properly loaded and properly used. The present paper outlines the procedure for determining this, and one of its several appendices gives a method of working out the most economical tonnage for loading the freight engines of any division, based on actual practicable performance in everyday operation. The treatment considers the value of the locomotive, taking account of interest, depreciation and taxes; the relationship between straight-time and overtime rates for road crews; the quickening up of the time of the trains by a reduction of tonnage and the increase of the time the crews are on duty by an increase in tonnage. When these matters have been sufficiently studied in the light of the recorded facts, the question relating to proper loading can be intelligently answered. The author discusses avoidable waste in the operation of cars under three heads: (a) Their utilization in the hands of agents, shippers and consignees; (b) their handling and dispatchment in yards and on the road; and (c) their repair and inspection. Things contributing most to the reduction of waste in car and locomotive operation are coöperation and teamwork. If a division superintendent can be assured that everything is being done that can be done to have every available engine in service that can be put in service and that every engine dispatched is being loaded to the maximum number of cars it can economically haul, then he is assured of an economical performance and an avoidance of waste in the operation of both locomotives and cars.

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