
The article describes the mechanism for evaluating the efficiency of operating freight cars with improved technical characteristics on the infrastructure of railways on the basis of complex tests. It allows determining the impact of the operation of such cars on the costs of JSC “Russian Railways”, including the costs of fuel and energy resources for traction of trains, the maintenance of the railway track, the maintenance and operation of freight locomotives and the maintenance of freight cars along the route. An important feature of the assessment is that it is based on data obtained as a result of testing in real-world conditions. Technical and economic assessment of the change in costs of JSC “Russian Railways” in the case of the operation of innovative freight cars should be used in the development of budgets in conjunction with the plans to purchase new cars, to prepare proposals for the development of tariff mechanisms that stimulate the purchase of cars with improved technical characteristics that provide additional economic benefits, associated with a decrease in the costs of the owner of the infrastructure. The purpose of such mechanisms is, on the one hand, to stimulate the renewal of rolling stock through innovative carriages, on the other hand, to improve the efficiency of rail transport. Based on JSC “VNIIZhT” assessment of the effect for JSC “Russian Railways”, the expert commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation approved the application of the tariff scheme 25 (4) with a reduced fee for the empty run of cars for 12-2143 gondola cars produced by JSC “AltaiZavod”. According to the current price list for freight transportation, the effect of operating a number of models of innovative cars on the infrastructure of JSC “Russian Railways” is fully included in tariff preferences. However, to increase the interest of Russian Railways in the operation of innovative cars, it seems advisable to leave the owner of the infrastructure between 30 and 50% of the economic effect.


  • The article describes the mechanism for evaluating the efficiency of operating freight cars with improved technical characteristics on the infrastructure of railways on the basis of complex tests

  • It allows determining the impact of the operation of such cars on the costs of JSC “Russian Railways”, including the costs of fuel and energy resources for traction of trains, the maintenance of the railway track, the maintenance and operation of freight locomotives and the maintenance of freight cars along the route

  • Technical and economic assessment of the change in costs of JSC “Russian Railways” in the case of the operation of innovative freight cars should be used in the development of budgets in conjunction with the plans to purchase new cars, to prepare proposals for the development of tariff mechanisms that stimulate the purchase of cars with improved technical characteristics that provide additional economic benefits, associated with a decrease in the costs of the owner of the infrastructure

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Характеристики Модель вагона

Модель тележки Грузоподъемность, т Объем кузова, м3 Нагрузка на ось, т Масса тары, т Погонная нагрузка, т/м Длина по осям сцепления автосцепок, м. На основе полученных данных было определено основное удельное сопротивление движению инновационных вагонов и вагонов-аналогов, это позволило определить значения коэффициентов, характеризующих изменение затрат топливно-энергетических ресурсов на тягу поездов. Согласно результатам испытаний и проведенным на их основе расчетам изменение затрат на содержание верхнего строения пути при использовании на сети грузовых инновационных вагонов составило 0,8 – 3,0 % в зависимости от модели вагона. Нормы допускаемых скоростей одинаковы для вагонов с улучшенными техническими характеристиками и вагона-аналога, график движения поездов не зависит от модели грузового вагона, следовательно коэффициент изменения участковой скорости kv равен 0. Тех­ни­ко-экономическую оценку изменения затрат ОАО «РЖД» в случае эксплуатации инновационных грузовых вагонов следует использовать для разработки бюджетов в увязке с планами приобретения новых вагонов, при подготовке предложений по развитию тарифных механизмов, стимулирующих приобретение вагонов с улучшенными техническими характеристиками, которые обеспечивают дополнительный экономический эффект, связанный со снижением расходов владельца инфраструктуры. Для повышения заинтересованности ОАО «РЖД» в эксплуатации инновационных вагонов представляется целесообразным оставлять у владельца инфраструктуры от 30 до 50 % величины экономического эффекта

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