
Persistent organochlorine residues such as hexachlorohexane isomers (HCHs), chlorocyclodienes and DDT group (DDTs) were determined in fecal matter/guano of common wild pigeon (Columba livia) collected from rural, urban and suburban areas in Jaipur. Chlorinated contamination pattern varied largely among the three areas. Samples collected from rural areas of Jaipur contained greater concentrations of endosulfan (1.17μg/g dry wt) than those of urban and suburban areas. In contrast, fecal samples collected in suburban areas exhibited elevated levels of ∑HCH (0.95μg/g dry wt) as compared with urban (0.46μg/g dry wt) and rural areas (0.82μg/g dry wt). Our study suggests that levels of organochlorine pesticide residues detected in avian guano are perhaps a reflection of the environmental status of the habitat. Thus avian guano may serve as a non-destructive biomonitoring tool for organic pollutants in environment.

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