
The (p, γ) reactions on the 92Mo, 94Mo and 96Mo isotopes were studied in the energy range E p = 2.4–3.0 MeV using a Ge(Li) detector incorporated into a three-crystal pair spectrometer and a Ge(Li) detector in coincidence with a NaI(Tl) detector. A three-crystal pair spectrometer was utilized to determine the average yield of γ-rays leading directly to the low-lying states in each of the three residual nuclei. These average yields were examined for a possible correlation between the intensity of high-energy γ-ray transitions and the J π of the final state. The data indicate that such a correlation exists. A two-dimensional coincidence experiment determined the decay scheme of the low-lying excited states in 93Tc 95Tc and 97Tc. The J π assignments inferred from these experiments are consistent with those for the states in 93Tc, 95Tc and 97Tc which have previously been obtained. For those states which were previously unassigned, the results of this experiment are as follows (all energies are in keV): 93 Tc-680 ( 7 2 +), 1193 ( 5 2 +), 1406 ( 1 2 −, 3 2 −), 1555 ( 1 2 −, 3 2 −), 2429 (≦ 5 2 ); 95Tc-1278 ( 3 2 +), 1619 ( 3 2 +, 5 2 −), 2556 (≧ 5 2 ); 97Tc-948 ( 1 2 −, 3 2 −), 1060 ( 5 2 ±, 7 2 +), 1138 ( 5 2 ±), 1366 ( 3 2 +), 1387 ( 3 2 +, 5 2 ∼), 1517 ( 1 2 −, 3 2 −), 1573( 3 2 +, 5 2 ±), 1676 ( 3 2 +, 5 2 ±) . The state at 2429 keV in 93Tc has not been reported previously.

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