The comments by Nowak-Slieinska et al. are an extensionof our review article. We agree with the authors that vas-cular normalization is an important event that decides theoutcome of anti-angiogenesis therapies. As reported byJain RK et al. [1], antiangiogenic agents can normalize theabnormal structure and function of tumor vasculature tomake it more efficient for oxygen and drug delivery.Therefore, induction of vascular normalization caused byanti-angiogenic agents provides a novel means of effectivedelivery of chemotherapeutic drugs. Our report was basedon the effective use of anti-angiogenesis therapy toimprove therapeutic efficacy of PDT. The authors agreethat the use of anti-angiogenesis agents before PDT toinduce vascular normalization and increase the homoge-nous effect of oxygen-dependent PDT is an interestinghypothesis that is worth pursuing.Reference
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