
The falsification of hadith has tremendously spreaded among society. The dissemination of fabricated hadith has been normalised not only among the public but also the Islamic and religious scholars. This is not a new phenomenon but has been evolved since the hadith were not only being used via speech but also has been developed through writing such as books and so on. The spread of hadith via writing does not limit to only written materials from the current Islamic and religious scholars but can also be found from the Siamese scholars as well. This article is to find out the authentication of hadith ‘Kitab al-Jinayah and al-Hudud’ from the book of ‘Bulughul Maram min Adillat al-Ahkam’ karya al-Hafiz ibn Hajar (m.852H). Even though al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar has mentioned the sources of the hadith, yet there were still some hadith left unmentioned. He has also divided the hadith into thematic point of view. Unfortunately, there were few hadith that has not been categorised under their suitable themes. All of the hadith will be analysed from the aspect of authentication and tanasub and also the suitability in terms of nikah. Therefore, to identify the status of the hadith and the authentication of the hadith from the real sources, a specific method will be used which is takhrij of hadith based on the theme of the hadith. A descriptive method will be used to analyse the hadith in the tanasub point of view and the suitability of the hadith towards certain themes. Thus, the result of the research shown that 87% of the hadith found in Kitab al-Jinayah and Kitab al-Hudud were authenticated and were based on the authorized and muktabar book of hadith. In addition, 100 % of the hadith chosen were relevant and suitable with the theme of Jinayah and Hudud.

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