The integration of Augmented Reality (AR) in smart learning devices is transforming the way children engage with educational content. These devices merge physical and digital environments to create interactive, immersive learning experiences, enhancing cognitive development and providing entertainment. This paper explores the current applications of AR in educational devices for children, its impacts on cognitive growth, the role of interactivity, and its potential in future learning environments. The paper also provides a critical review of existing literature, identifying opportunities and challenges in this emerging field. Augmented Reality (AR) has revolutionized how children interact with educational content, offering an immersive, engaging learning experience. This paper explores the integration of AR into smart learning devices and its impact on cognitive development and entertainment for children. We delve into how AR enhances memory retention, problem solving skills, and spatial reasoning while making learning enjoyable. By critically analysing current literature and case studies, we highlight the potential and challenges of using AR to bridge the gap between education and entertainment.
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