
Atlanto-axial dislocations in the absence of trauma, disease of the bone or congenital anomalies,1although occurring almost exclusively in children, have received little attention from pediatricians. A search of the medical literature resulted in our finding records of twenty-two cases. In addition, we report two of our own, diagnosed clinically with roentgenographic confirmation. Since the dislocations occur as a complication of certain acute diseases of childhood, prophylaxis and early recognition are incumbent on the pediatrician. No mention is made of this condition in the pediatric literature except in one French publication.2The cases have been reported under various descriptive names, such as malum suboccipitale rheumaticum,3distention luxation of the atlanto-epistropheal joints,4maladie de Grisel,5Drehungsverrenkung des Atlas,6spontaneous hyperemic dislocation of the atlas7and nontraumatic atlanto-axial dislocation.8 Corner,9in 1907, and Wittkop,10in 1910, in exhaustive accounts of rotatory dislocations

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