
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Pekalongan area and surrounding areas always experience an increase every year. However, many MSMEs in Pekalongan Regency do not fully understand the importance of having business legality. Apart from issuing a Business Identification Number (NIB), halal certification is also a form of legality for food and beverage products, which is the main focus of several MSMEs. This community service activity aims to help create business legality for MSMEs. The method used in this community service activity is through three stages, namely, 1) Preparation stage 2) Implementation stage 3) Production stage. Business legality has an important role for business actors, one of the business legalities is the Business Identification Number (NIB) and Halal Certification. These two aspects of legality provide significant benefits, including making it easier for business actors and providing the necessary legal guarantees

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