
Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the tourism potentials of the site of Wadī el-Natroun monasteries in Egypt, which holds religious and historical significance. Currently, only four monasteries remain intact: St. Macarius, Anba Bishoi (or Bishoy), Baramus and Surian. They date back to the 4th and 5th centuries AD when monasticism was initiated in Egypt. These monasteries comprise valuable artistic treasures such as icons, murals, manuscripts, unique books, etc. Additionally, the area holds importance as it is part of The Holy Family Journey in Egypt, with the desert of Scété in Wadi el-Natroun playing a role. The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities has made several efforts to nominate this site for inclusion on UNESCO's World Heritage list.
 Methodos: The study employed various approaches, with the most important being historical and descriptive analytical approaches. Field studies were conducted to assess the cultural heritage of Wadi El-Natroun Monasteries according to UNESCO's criteria.
 Results :The study revealed the outstanding universal value of both the monasteries and the contiguous area. However, there are threats jeopardizing the site, such as some lakes drying up as a result of pollution and waste disposal.
 Conclusions: The study concludes that inscribing Wadi El-Natroun Monasteries on the World Heritage List would significantly increase international and local tourism interest in the site, preserve it, and attract a greater number of visitors. This would contribute to the development of the local community by improving the area and increasing the number of tourists.

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