
Manufacturing of chopped products of poultry meat and lentils is one of the promising areas of meat food production. The combination of animal and plant components allows to supplement the products with lacking biologically active substances and to obtain food products with a required chemical composition. In this respect, issues related to the investigation of the possibility to use lentil flour, maize grits in prefabricated poultry meat products, and the improvement of their technology are relevant. An analytical review of the literature was conducted, meat for processing was selected, new recipes of truncated semi-finished products using lentil flour, maize grits were developed, organoleptic parameters of truncated semi-finished products were determined, physicochemical and functional-technological properties of minced meat products of semi-finished raw and finished products were investigated. The main raw material for the production of semi-finished products is semi-lean pork, goose meat, chicken meat, sprouted lentil flour, maize grits for pre-dust and other components according to the developed formulation. Cutlets were taken as a control sample, its recipe include first grade beef, semi-lean pork, wheat flour bread, wheat bread wheat bread and other ingredients. According to the organoleptic evaluation of new types of minced semi-finished products, it was found that the best organoleptic properties had samples that included semi-lean pork and chicken meat, with addition of 8% of sprouted lentil flour and chicken meat, with the addition of 12% of lentil flour. It was revealed that meat and lentil flour cause the increase of the weight fraction of protein (16.91, 18.04%) in specimens number 1 and number 3. The moisture- and grease-retention capacity of the products is improved by the use of lentil flour and maize grits for pre-dust in samples No. 2 and No. 3


  • Issues related to the investigation of the possibility to use lentil flour, maize grits in prefabricated poultry meat products, and the improvement of their technology are relevant

  • The main raw material for the production of semi-finished products is semi-lean pork, goose meat, chicken meat, sprouted lentil flour, maize grits for pre-dust and other components according to the developed formulation

  • According to the organoleptic evaluation of new types of minced semi-finished products, it was found that the best organoleptic properties had samples that included semi-lean pork and chicken meat, with addition of 8% of sprouted lentil flour and chicken meat, with the addition of 12% of lentil flour

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The combination of animal and plant components allows to supplement the products with lacking biologically active substances and to obtain food products with a required chemical composition In this respect, issues related to the investigation of the possibility to use lentil flour, maize grits in prefabricated poultry meat products, and the improvement of their technology are relevant. У зв’язку з цим питання, пов’язані з вивченням можливості використання борошна сочевиці, крупи кукурудзяної у посічених напівфабрикатах з м’яса птиці, і удосконалення їх технології є актуальним. Покращується волого – та жиро утримуюча здатність виробів за рахунок використання борошна сочевиці та кукурудзяної крупи для панірування у зразках No 2 та No 3. Дослідити вплив різної кількості м’яса птиці, борошна сочевиці, крупи кукурудзяної на органолептичні показники посічених напівфабрикатів 2. Дослідити поєднання різної м’ясної та рослинної сировини на фізико-хімічні, структурно механічні та функціонально-технологічні показники напівфабрикатів до та після термічної обробки

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