The acupuncture extra point Yin Tang, situated between the medial ends of the eyebrows, is a window into the body and especially an indicator of the state of Heart Qi. The Yin Tang gathers a confluence of several channels. The incoming Small Intestine channel that ends at the inner canthus; the outgoing Urinary Bladder channel that begins its journey at the inner canthus; the Governing channel that begins in the perineum, ascends the spine, loops around the head, descends though the Yin Tang, onto the nose, to end in the upper gums; and the Heart channel branch that ascends at the side of the face and disperses in the eye. The Five Organs from which the Twelve Channels emerge are all color-specific. These channels that transit the Yin Tang all carry the color red. The author discusses the use of this extra point and how to needle Yin Tang.
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