
Now a day Pandu is the common disease. Fast and mechanical life style, fast food habits and less nutritional vegetables because of used fertilizers and preservatives it occurs in higher and in middle economic classes and because of malnutrition Pandu occurs in poor classes. As per Ayurveda Pandu means fading of the original colour and is comparable with the description of modern disease Anaemia to large extent and it defined as when the percentage of haemoglobin in blood becomes low or count of RBCs gets decreased that condition is called Anaemia. Allopathic doctors prescribed iron contain medicine for anaemic patients and Ayurvedic samhitas also described iron for the treatment of Pandu.Many loha kalpas are prescribed under vyadhi Pandu and are effective for curing the disease. So the aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of Navayase loha in pandu.

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