
The ability to think critically is an important quality of the individual, but it is now, in the face of social and economic changes, that it becomes essential. Critical thinking is an integrative characteristic, since it involves the generalization, unification and development of a whole range of qualities, skills and socially important features that contribute to the comprehensive harmonious development of the personality.
 For a future teacher to succeed in his professional activity need, in particular: the ability to perceive new information, to comprehend it, to balance different points of view and to critically comprehend them, the ability to critically understand professional situations, objectively assess their capabilities. For him, criticality is therefore a vital quality that ensures the development of analytical and reflective abilities.
 Since critical thinking does not automatically arise as a by-product of learning, it is necessary to systematically work on its improvement.
 Development of critical thinking is a mandatory requirement to the results of the first (bachelor) level of higher education program of the subject specialty 014.04 Secondary Education (Mathematics) in the Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University in terms of formation of general and professional competence of the graduate.
 An important role in the synthesis of the student’s knowledge in the direction of his needs as a future teacher of mathematics belongs, in particular, to such professionally-oriented bachelor disciplines as «Methods of Teaching Mathematics», «Selected Questions of Methods of Teaching Mathematics», «Elementary Mathematics». In the process of teaching these disciplines, the development of critical thinking occurs in three aspects: sociocultural (through the organization of the educational process in relation to life and professional situations), technological (through the formation of sustained interest, motivation of educational activity, search for information aimed at solving the task, its awareness and reflection), methodical (through a set of methodical methods, providing assessment, self-control, criticism, forecasting). Practical and methodical tasks, which correspond to the areas identified in the research process, are a fundamental basis for the development of critical thinking as an important component of the professional competence of future highly qualified teachers of mathematics.

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