
Nowadays the problem of improving the artistic and technical features of the lithographic manner of mixed technique has matured already. The author of this study expanded and supplemented the ways of combining a variety of manners of lithographic techniques through practical experiments to achieve positive results in this area. Mixed technique is one of the types of lithography, in which a certain combination of lithographic manners engraving on stone with pencil, blurring ink, root paper, color lithography is used on one stone depending on the intent of the author, his artistic taste and possession of a large number of techniques in lithography, such as shading, sketching, blurring ink, pen, prints of cloth and other textures and the like. Lithography got the greatest spread in France, the gifted artists on stone included T. Géricault, Antoine-Jean Gros, Claude Joseph Vernet, Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet, O. Raffet, Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix, Louis-Léopold Boilly, Paul Gavarni, Henri Grévedon, A. Toulouse-Lautrec and many others. Famous Ukrainian artists, namely M. Deregus, M. Popov, S. Yakutovich, and others worked in lithographic mixed technique. In particular, N. Popov in the creation of graphic works used the author's manner of execution of lithographs – drawing with acid. In artistic creativity to the main lithographic technique artists add elements of other graphic techniques: combine with etching, woodcut, monotype and other techniques. The program of teaching lithography in National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in methodical terms is designed so that the student of the specialty "Free graphics, design and illustration of the book", mastering lithographic technique and getting acquainted with her manners, could be able to do on this basis a mixed lithographic technique. Mixed technique is the final task, in which the student is given the opportunity to choose and combine the manners of lithography. Senior students improve their knowledge in the field of technical and technological capabilities of lithography. Due to the rich, original technique lithography has unlimited visual possibilities. It met the requirements of different artists, despite the difference in styles, language and artistic techniques. Lithography makes it possible to solve the composition in black and white, dashed, tonal, color techniques through the use of different manners.


  • Mixed technique is one of the types of lithography, in which a certain combination of lithographic manners engraving on stone with pencil, blurring ink, root paper, color lithography is used on one stone depending on the intent of the author, his artistic taste and possession of a large number of techniques in lithography, such as shading, sketching, blurring ink, pen, prints of cloth and other textures and the like

  • The program of teaching lithography in National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in methodical terms is designed so that the student of the specialty «Free graphics, design and illustration of the book», mastering lithographic technique and getting acquainted with her manners, could be able to do on this basis a mixed lithographic technique

  • Mixed technique is the final task, in which the student is given the opportunity to choose and combine the manners of lithography. Senior students improve their knowledge in the field of technical and technological capabilities of lithography

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Ключові слова: літографія, мішана техніка, естамп, плоский друк. ARTISTIC AND TECHNICAL FEATURES OF THE LITHOGRAPHIC MANNER MIXED TECHNIQUE. Мішана техніка літографії створює додаткові можливості та урізноманітнює способи друку естампів для досягнення більшої виразності графічних творів.

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