
This review delves into the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning, particularly leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs), to enhance dental diagnostics and treatment planning. The primary focus is on the detection and classification of caries as well as the identification of teeth in diverse dental images. A thorough exploration was conducted across databases, including PubMed, IEEE Xplore, and arXiv.org, leading to the identification of 29 pertinent studies. These studies employ various neural network models, encompassing different dental image types and employing diverse performance metrics. The review succinctly outlines the key characteristics and outcomes of these studies, underscoring the remarkable accuracy and the promising potential of AI-driven approaches in the realms of caries detection and tooth identification.
 Acknowledging the existing limitations within the current body of research, such as small or non-representative datasets, variations in imaging techniques, and a lack of interpretability in deep learning models, the review emphasizes the need for future investigations. It suggests potential research directions aimed at overcoming these challenges, thereby facilitating the seamless integration of AI into routine dental practices.

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