
In this text I describe the characteristics that Hannah Arendt attributes to the SS agents through the figure of Eichmann, during the German Nazi regime of the 20th century. According to this characterization, I intend to show, on the one hand, that there is not a break in Arendt’s thought on evil, i.e. from The Origins of Totalitarianism to Eichmann in Jerusalem: a report on the banality of evil, but a continuous line of thought. And, on the other hand, I try to follow the clues that Arendt gives concerning the “banality” that defines the behavior of individuals such as Eichmann. Both premises will permit me to point out what, in my understanding, the banalization of humanity implies, not only in the context of the Jewish Holocaust, but in each of the societies in which the elimination of spontaneity is a reality.


  • In this text I describe the characteristics that Hannah Arendt attributes to the SS agents through the figure

  • that defines the behavior of individuals

  • Una exploración que le permitió observar y señalar no sólo que los cargos por los que Eichmann fue juzgado, condenado y ejecutado no estuvieron exentos de equívocos (respecto a los “crímenes de guerra” y los “crímenes contra el pueblo judío”) sino enfatizar en la poca luz que dio el juicio sobre el único crimen que era completamente nuevo, en nada útil a la guerra que se estaba librando y al que cabe esperar en tiempos de paz (Arendt, 2000, 389): los “crímenes contra la humanidad” que son el resultado del proceso de transformación de los seres humanos en funcionarios, como en el caso de los oficiales SS, de todo régimen burocrático

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In this text I describe the characteristics that Hannah Arendt attributes to the SS agents through the figure of Eichmann, during the German Nazi regime of the 20th century.

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