
The article is devoted to the development of successive stages of the concept of marketing research of the state's food supply system for solving food security problems, as well as the formation of the structure of marketing research in the field of analysis of food supply problems. The concept of food supply system research for solving food security solutions is proposed, which consists of six consecutive stages. The scheme of formation, analysis and evaluation of the information base is presented, which is a kind of architecture of the organization of marketing research in the field of food supply to solve food safety problems. The study presents the theoretical, methodological and practical tasks of researching the problems of the food supply system and the order of their presentation. The structure of the marketing research toolkit of the food supply system was systematized. Three categories of participants in the process of marketing research in the field of food supply are distinguished: users, users/executors, executors. It was concluded that the need for scientific (marketing) research of the food supply system to solve the problem of food security is determined by a social need that requires study and research and appears as a kind of social order. A theoretically oriented study of the field of food provision of the food security system, which is aimed at analyzing the current problem of modern society, is no less practical than applied marketing research in this field. Its results are the identification and assessment of the closeness of relationships, the determination of the direction of the development vectors of processes, the analysis of conditions that provoke or eliminate the dissonance of the interaction of elements and spheres of such a complex socio-economic entity as the food supply system. The practical component of such research is an in-depth understanding of the problems of the functioning of the food complex, the nature of the integration of these issues into the system of parameters of the quality of life of the population, parameters of the competitiveness of the regions and the country as a whole.

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