
Hundreds of books were written in the Arab world during the Bosnia and Kosovo wars, overwhelmed with rhetoric aimed at arousing a sense of Islamic solidarity. However, they have no scientifi c basis and are, therefore, of no scientifi c value. They were either along the lines of the West’s Balkan political campaign or were intended to elicit voluntary donations that were, more often than not, followed by large-scale fi nancial scandals. For this reason, it is also necessary to shed light on the insincerity of some fundamentalist structures in the Arab world that have raised their voice in support of Kosovo Albanian Muslims, irrespective of the fact that their claims are illegitimate. At the same time, these structures turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the claims of other Muslims, despite the fact that their claims are legitimate. In order to answer these questions, one should realistically and honestly say that NATO was only keen, exclusively and solely, to remove the obstacle to its further conquests, obstacle called Yugoslavia, particularly Serbia. That country was such obstacle to Western world–lords that they attributed to her, through their powerful political and media machinery, every single evil and villainy. West spared no money and means to dismantle and destroy Yugoslavia and particularly Serbia. So we faced such paradox that separatist movements were described as ‘revolutionary’ and ‘liberation armies’. Yet, if these things are natural for America and Europe, what is then natural for fundamentalists in Arab and Islamic world? There is no convincing answer but to describe our fundamentalists loyal to West as unionists loyal to their Vatican. Fundamentalists in Arab and Moslem world use our faith in a very bad manner, abusing it in the interest of politics. They mortify their faith in accordance to the needs of those forces in the world that are interested only for egoistic increase of their own power.

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