
This article continues the development of a Project of Teaching Research in studies about Paulo Freire and his work with education as a practice of the freedom of the person so that it has an increasing development of liberation of its fears and obstacles of the excluding society; Freire wants to give conditions of knowledge and life that are more dignified and according to a reality that is more just and in which all people can participate in the cultural assets of their society. Besides the search for a liberation, it is fundamental that the fear of this freedom be overcome; with education, not in the model already planned, defined and characterized by the domineering, but considering its reality, its miseries and its attitude of resignation, in the search of contributions and with the purpose of seeing 141 Colloquium Humanarum, vol. 15, n. Especial 2, Jul–Dez, 2018, p. 140-145. ISSN: 1809-8207. DOI: 10.5747/ch.2018.v15.nesp2.001088 itself in its suffered reality and constructing a ' to make it new, to integrate it and give intellectual, moral, political and social forces to overcome that resignation. Likewise, thinking of a South American philosophy and posture, Rodolfo Kusch developed a thought that emphasizes the recognition of himself and the value that exists in this Latin American society. Commonly, our education and formation have been built on foreign and foreign models in which the people have discarded a culture of this ground to fulfill duties determined by others; there is constantly the overlap of foreign cultures crushing the local culture. So there is a call for the South American people to look at themselves again and see their importance, their value, their culture, so that from there, from what has already been built, they take up their dignity and open themselves to a 'to do' from what is and what has already built. Thus, looking at the two authors, their thinking and through theoretical and bibliographical research, our objective is to verify the concepts that are approaching and to give contributions to Latin American philosophical thought in what concerns to education as a formative process that is given to from reality itself.

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