
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes P. Ball, Morbo: The History of Spanish Football (London: WSC Books, 2001); J. Burns, Barça: A People's Passion (London: Bloomsbury, 1999) and J. Burns, When Beckham Went to Spain: Power, Stardom and Real Madrid (London: Michael Joseph, 2004). The bibliography is published in Educación Física y Deportes, online at www.efdeportes.com/efd13/biblesp.htm. Educación Fisica y Deportes is a collaborative online journal ‘based’ in Argentina which brings together scholars from across the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world. Idioma y Deporte is available online at www.idiomaydeporte.com/sumario.htm, accessed 14 Dec. 2004. J. Burns, Hand of God: The Life of Diego Maradona, Soccer's Fallen Star (London: Bloomsbury, 1996); V. Duke and L. Crolley, ‘Fútbol, Politicians and People: Populism and Politics in Argentina’, in J.A. Mangan and L.P. DaCosta, Sport in Latin American Society: Past and Present (London and Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 2002), pp.93–116. See, for example, J. Lever, Soccer Madness (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1983); the special edition of Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, 13 (1994) devoted to sport; P.J. Pettavino and G. Pye, Sport in Cuba: the Diamond in the Rough (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1994); J. Arbena (ed.), Sport and Society in Latin America: Diffusion, Dependency and the Rise of Mass Culture (New York: Greenwood Press, 1998); and Mangan and DaCosta, Sport in Latin American Society. See, for example, E. Archetti, Masculinities, Football, Polo and Tango in Argentina (Oxford: Berg, 1999); P. Alabarces, Fútbol y patria: el fútbol y las narrativas de la nación en la Argentina (Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2002) or R. Helal, Passes e impasses: futebol e cultura de massa no Brasil (Petrópolis: Vozes, 1997). That these three works are devoted primarily to football is typical of the focus on that sport in Latin America. Mangan and DaCosta, Sport in Latin-American Society, p.4. Mangan and DaCosta, Sport in Latin-American Society, p.1. Three of the earliest studies in this regard are R.S. Minc (ed.), Literature and Popular Culture in the Hispanic World (Gaithersburg, MD: Hispamérica/Montclair State College, 1981); B. Torres Caballero, ‘Apuntes sobre la función del deporte en la narrativa latinoamericana,’ Hispanic Review, 59 (1991), 401–20; and G. Pye, ‘Political Football: Sports, Power and Machismo in Luisa Valenzuela's The Lizard's Tail’, Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, 13 (1994), 115–27. A. Gallego Morell, ‘El deporte en la literatura (auge de un tema de la poesía española de los años 20)’, in G. Morelli (ed.), Ludus: cine, arte y deporte en la literatura española de vanguardia (Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2000), pp.127–8. It is interesting to note that the triumphant ‘Ode to Sport’ was written, under a pseudonym, by Pierre de Coubertin.

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