
The paper attempts to develop a set of approaches to the formation of the communicative personality of the future teacher in the classroom of the course Academic eloquence in the magistracy, to systematize and summarize the experience of using rhetorization technology in order to teach strategies and tactics of professional speech in the academic field. To teach undergraduate students academic eloquence, it is necessary to take into account the structure and characteristics of the teachers communicative personality, the leading strategies and tactics of academic discourse, genre features of academic speech and productive technologies used in the field of professional education of future teachers. In this regard, the author tried to formulate approaches to the formation of the communicative personality of the future teacher, reflecting the traditions of academic eloquence and modern trends in the field of professional rhetorical education, to identify and substantiate the didactic potential of the textbook of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. The author reveals the concept of the communicative personality of a teacher and describes a set of basic pedagogical approaches to organizing the effective work of students in the classroom of the course Academic eloquence. The conditions are discussed that determine the effectiveness of organizing classes, enriching students with communicative experience in the field of professional communication and rhetorical practice, forming value attitudes and the ability to select the optimal language means when creating academic speech as a means of solving professional problems. Within the framework of considering the value-axiological, genre-oriented, personal-professional and problem-praxeological approaches to the formation of the communicative personality of the future teacher, the methods of rhetorization technology at the level of teaching the subject are described: rhetorical analysis, rhetorical task and rhetorical game. The introduction of the considered approaches and techniques into the educational process made it possible to bring training closer to the needs of modern academic practice and showed its effectiveness in the formation of general cultural and general professional competencies necessary for a future teacher.

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