
The article deals with the functioning of the course “Scientific Communication” in the educational process of students of the second (master’s) degree of higher education in specialty 013 Primary education as a scientific basis for various types of research, discussion of complex problems based on scientific controversy, discussions of urgent problems in the field of primary education. The purpose of the article is to determine the functional point of the course “Scientific Communication” in the formation of the language personality of the future primary school teacher of NUSH. The article describes the structural components of the discipline and outlines their quintessence in the formation of the language personality of the future primary school teacher of NUSH. To achieve this goal, the following research methods are used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, descriptive method, which made it possible to consider the problem in detail and draw conclusions about the feasibility of the discipline “Scientific Communication” in the educational process of students of the second (master’s) degree of higher education in specialty 013 Primary education for the development of language personality of the future primary school teacher of NUSH. It is found out that the purpose of studying the course “Scientific Communication” is to form a system of theoretical and methodological knowledge about scientific communication, its main components, latest trends and technologies and skills to apply them in information retrieval and dissemination of research results; providing training for a highly qualified specialist capable of demonstrating stable professional knowledge of the Ukrainian/English languages and professionalism during the exchange of scientific information in the field of primary education. The article outlines the objectives of the discipline “Scientific Communication”, general and special competencies in accordance with the educational program “Primary Education”; program results of studying; innovative approaches and methods (heuristic approach, practice-oriented approach, method of analysis of specific situations, method of project-based learning, method of educational discussion, methods of developing critical thinking, etc.). It is stressed that the acquired knowledge, skills, abilities and professional competence will contribute to the development of the language personality of the future primary school teacher of NUSH both while higher education and in further professional activities during self-education, self-development and self-improvement.

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