
Evaluation is a central issue in the educational process because it can define the success or failure of that process. The purpose of this article was to investigate the evaluation approaches that teachers assume in the teaching and learning process in the Educational Unit “Edwin Hernan Mendoza Bravo”, of the Colon parish, to learn how the teacher performs the evaluation practices in their daily work The research that was carried out was of exploratory type and with a descriptive and systematic methodology supported in the review of bibliographic sources of the specialized literature. The technique and instrument that was used was the survey to achieve, interpret and reveal the results obtained, according to these, it was possible to reach the following conclusions: Many teachers do not usually apply the educational evaluation in their pedagogical work and focus on the tests or exams to obtain final results. Authentic evaluation and innovative strategies are unimportant elements because traditional techniques and instruments such as the written test and the questionnaire still prevail.

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