
This study assessed the effectiveness of performance appraisal system in the Ghana Education Service. The study specifically examined the nature of performance appraisal in GES, teachers’ perception about the performance appraisal system, and teachers’ satisfaction with the performance system. Considering the objective of the study, the researcher adopted a descriptive survey design. The mixed research approach was adopted in addition to the research design. Teachers in basic schools in Birim Central Directorate constitute the population of the study. The study sampled 184 respondents for the study. Both questionnaire and interview guide were used to solicit data from respondents. Research instruments were personally administered by the researcher. The quantitative data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), while the qualitative data were analysed manually. The study finds out the effectiveness of performance appraisal in GES and the result showed that GES has a performance appraisal system, and performance appraisal is mostly done more than thrice a year. The study also indicated that GES has several methods of appraising employees. Also, it was generally revealed that respondents perceived performance appraisal system positively and that they are satisfied with the performance appraisal system. The study recommends that appraisal should be carried out by experts so that it will serve its purpose. The study highlighted that there is a need for a more formal method to be adopted so that the overall purpose of performance appraisal can be attained. It is again recommended that there is a need for appraisers to adequately discuss every final appraisal report with appraisees. Finally, the study recommends that employees’ appraisal report should be sent to the education office for an effective and efficient decision on training and development program.

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