
In the realm of physical education in college, the traditional classroom teaching approach primarily relies on paper textbooks and demonstrations by the teacher. However, in today's physical education classrooms, there is a need to change these traditional teaching methods. Utilizing multimedia technology and interactive interfaces, teachers can demonstrate the essential actions and intricate details through multimedia videos and other formats such as push-pull and shaking. This chapter introduces a multi-segment human body tracking algorithm that focuses on real-time tracking. The human body target is divided into multiple segments, and an online learning method based on Hough Forests is used to learn the overall appearance of the human body and the appearance model of each segment. The research findings indicate that when the merged area exceeds 82.36% of the pre-segmentation area using watershed analysis, smaller areas lead to faster segmentation speed, while larger areas result in slower segmentation speed. Compared to other methods, this approach yields better recognition results.

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