
The models of public administration are analyzed, the main of which are process and project management. The current activity of civil servants is of a process nature, aimed at the high-quality performance of current powers and should be primarily aimed at optimizing processes. Process management gives a greater effect in the state and municipal sector, since there is a sequence of management functions. It is important to automate and structure processes, bring them to "professional automatism" in order to free people from unnecessary operations, minimize losses and increase the efficiency of public administration. Lean management is one of the new management methods in the public sector. Lean technologies came to the sphere of public administration from business and today they are successfully applied in the administrative sphere, in the sphere of health care, education, culture, and the activities of the MFC, increasing the efficiency of management and labor productivity, optimizing the activity of state and municipal authorities. The article shows the experience of introducing lean technologies into the work of state authorities of the Udmurt Republic using the example of the Office for Work with Official Correspondence of the Office of Records Management and Control of the Administration of the Head and Government of the Udmurt Republic. The stages of implementation of lean management, the technology of optimization of processes aimed at reducing the flow time and the amount of labor costs (resources) are considered. As a result of the implementation of lean management technologies, it was possible to reduce duplicate operations and time losses, and to optimize administrative processes.

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