
Ideological and political education innovation Students need to combine the development of education status quo, follow the relevant principles and rules, principles and mechanisms adjust education to make it move in a healthy direction. Only through a variety of methods to make ideological and political education into the heart, the brain, in order to make ideological and political education to achieve substantial results and teachers as the subject of education, focusing on the direct knowledge of education to instill students, and students in classroom education as the object of factors, passive acceptance of knowledge of the learning process. Indoctrination in Education Act focus on absolute obedience and authority of education, emphasizing obey the guidance of teachers in the classroom education, in order to improve the performance of individual students, and students lose the initiative and the right to speak for study and education. In order to adapt to changes in the new era of college students' ideological, ideological and political education need the traditional didactic approach to a participatory model of education, get rid of teachers instill knowledge linear way. Because of ideological differences between college students, which determines the ideological and political education of the inevitable trend toward personalized direction and emotional education method is important for the ideological and political education of college students to promote physical and mental health and personality development, the formation of good character, to establish a good relationship between teachers play an important role. Students thinking is generated from practice, thinking and understanding is correct or not, must be tested with innovation of ideological and political education to the needs of practices into the educational activities, the practice of cultivating high-quality talents through social development. Should be constrained not suited to the development of education in educational methods into teacher Guided approach to education, to effectively carry out ideological and political education and work in the right direction.

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