
L’article presenta un model de formació docent tecnopedagògic, validat en un curs-taller intensiu de modalitat híbrida, adreçat a docents d’ensenyament superior. Aquest curs té per objectiu capacitar en l’ús de la plataforma Moodle com a suport didà ctic per a les classes. El mètode utilitzat en la recerca és de recerca-acció, els instruments que es van fer servir són l’entrevista, qüestionaris, blogs i sondeigs d’opinió, juntament amb la planificació i desenvolupament d’un curs en línia elaborat per cadascun dels participants com a producte final. El curs va ser analitzat després, per a veure com cadascun dels setze participants s’apropiava gradualment la tecnologia, sense descurar el referent pedagògic. Alguns d’ells van passar de principiants a intermedis i alguns d’aquests a avançats, mentre que els avançats van desenvolupar cursos més sofisticats i van buscar la manera de millorar-los ells sols. A més, els investigadors es van adonar que la institució università ria exerceix un paper primordial per al bon desenvolupament del curs, i de la importà ncia que té una comunicació constant entre el facilitador i els docents-aprenents.


  • The world’s educational systems are currently faced with the challenge of using information and communication technologies (ICTs) to provide their students with the necessary tools and knowledge for the 21st century

  • The hybrid mode, which combines face-to-face with online sessions (Figure 2) was selected because of the quality of communication, both face-to-face and indirect, using communication media in the case of the latter (Lavigne et al, 2009). Another advantage of the hybrid mode is that it converges with the classification of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge; explicit knowledge can be added at a specific location, storing objective forms, and be appropriated without the participation of the knowledgeable subject; tacit knowledge is contextual and personal, and cannot be added – taking full advantage of it requires the involvement and cooperation of the knowledgeable subject (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995)

  • On completion of the course, their gradual progress in relation to technological skills was observed. This was the case for five of the lecturers/learners belonging to the beginner-level group, who had moved up to the intermediate-level group; two of the intermediate-level lecturers/ learners had made enough progress to join the advanced-level group

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The world’s educational systems are currently faced with the challenge of using information and communication technologies (ICTs) to provide their students with the necessary tools and knowledge for the 21st century. Various researchers (Castellano, 2010; Cebrián, 2003) have found that ICT use in the teaching-learning process is advantageous and, when training teachers to use ICTs, that it is possible to get them to use them as a support both inside and outside their classrooms. Previous studies have underscored the problem of training university lecturers to use ICTs. Despite the fact that ICTs are used in education, there are concerns to find out why, if there are so many technological resources available to support the educational process, not all lecturers are using them. A lack of knowing how to incorporate them into the classroom is a possible explanation, and another is the scarce or non-existent training that institutions offer their lecturers in the pedagogical use of these technologies

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