
There is much evidence linking oxidative stress to thyroid cancer, and stem cells are thought to play a key role in the tumor-initiating mechanism. Their vulnerability to oxidative stress is unexplored. This study aimed to comparatively evaluate the antioxidant capacity of stem/precursor thyroid cells and mature thyrocytes. Human stem/precursor cells and mature thyrocytes were exposed to increasing concentrations of menadione, an oxidative-stress-producing agent, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and cell viability were measured. The expression of antioxidant and detoxification genes was measured via qPCR as well as the total antioxidant capacity and the content of glutathione. Menadione elevated ROS generation in stem/precursor thyroid cells more than in mature thyrocytes. The ROS increase was inversely correlated (p = 0.005) with cell viability, an effect that was partially prevented by the antioxidant curcumin. Most thyroid antioxidant defense genes, notably those encoding for the glutathione-generating system and phase I detoxification enzymes, were significantly less expressed in stem/precursor thyroid cells. As a result, the glutathione level and the total antioxidant capacity in stem/precursor thyroid cells were significantly decreased. This reduced antioxidant defense may have clinical implications, making stem/precursor thyroid cells critical targets for environmental conditions that are not detrimental for differentiated thyrocytes.

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