Indonesia as a tropical country has many different types of honey. Honey was known to have many advantages especially in health promotion as antioxidant and antibacterial. Baduy honey is one of Indonesian forest honey which its nutritional value, antioxidant, and antibacterial activity have not been investigated yet. The purpose of this study to determine antioxidant activity, antibacterial, water content, and also ash content of baduy honey. The research method are DPPH radical scavenging-activity for antioxidant, microplate resazurine assay for antibacterial, qualitative photochemistry analysis, and gravimetric analysis for measuring water and ash content. The result showed that black and yellow baduy honey has water content 18,64% dan 19,32% respectively and ash content 0,32% dan 0,04% respectively. Baduy honey has also containing flavonoid, terpenoid, and alkaloid compounds. Black Baduy honey has higher antioxidant activity than Yellow Baduy honey in which EC 50 values are 1000,79 μg/mL and 1475,28 μg/mL respectively. However, Baduy honey did not show any antibacterial activity againts Escheria coli dan Staphlococcus aureus because of MIC value for both type of honey are tremendously large with 500000 μg/mL.
Honey was known to have many advantages especially in health promotion as antioxidant and antibacterial
microplate resazurine assay for antibacterial
because of MIC value for both type of honey are tremendously large with 500000 μg
Sebagai negara tropis yang memiliki banyak hutan, maka Indonesia mampu menghasilkan berbagai macam jenis madu hutan. Madu dihasilkan dari lebah yang mampu menghisap nektar yang berasal dari berbagai macam tanaman (Ferreira et al, 2009). Diketahui dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Rio dkk, 2012 bahwa madu lubuk minturun dan madu sikabu (madu Indonesia) yang berasal dari Sumatra Barat memiliki sifat antibakteri terhadap bakteri Staphlococcus aureus. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Ratnayani dkk, 2012 pada madu klengkeng dan madu randu juga membuktikan bahwa kedua madu tersebut mampu menjadi antioksidan yang baik. Kekuatan antioksidan dan antibakteri pada setiap madu berbeda-beda bergantung dari senyawa-senyawa metabolit sekunder yang dimiliki oleh madu dimana senyawa golongan flavonoid dan fenolik dapat mempengaruhi sifat tersebut (Estevinho et al, 2008). Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dan antibakteri serta penentuan kadar air dan abu pada madu baduy
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