
The article contains a study of the current state of the fight against corruption in Ukraine, the reasons for the adoption of the new Anti-Corruption Strategy 2014-2017, its purpose and effectiveness, the consequences of implementation and provisions that were not implemented. New ways of improving the anti-corruption policy and solving the issue of preventing and countering corruption in Ukraine are proposed. The article analyzes the role of key anti-corruption bodies, such as the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC), in the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy.It is noted that these bodies have great potential in uncovering corruption schemes and bringing perpetrators to justice, but need to be strengthened with resources, independence and effective cooperation with other sectors of government.New ways of improving anti-corruption policy and solving the problem of combating corruption in Ukraine are proposed. One of the key aspects is to strengthen legislation, including the adoption and implementation of effective anti-corruption laws and mechanisms. The author emphasizes the need to develop mechanisms of control and supervision over the government, which involves the establishment of independent anti-corruption bodies with the power to investigate and prosecute those involved in corrupt practices.In addition, the article points out the importance of active public participation in the fight against corruption. The involvement of civil society organizations, journalists and active citizens is an important step in ensuring openness, checking the activities of the authorities and identifying corruption cases. It is necessary to create a favorable environment for their activities, ensure their safety and support.Among the new ways to improve anti-corruption policy in Ukraine is the need to strengthen mechanisms for verifying financial declarations of public officials and introduce an electronic declaration system that will ensure greater transparency and make it impossible to conceal illicit enrichment. In addition, speeding up judicial proceedings and ensuring the independence of the courts will be important factors in ensuring effective prosecution of corrupt officials.Overall, addressing the problem of corruption in Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach and long-term efforts by the government, civil society and the international community. Improving the anticorruption policy and implementing the proposed measures will help to increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption efforts, ensure stability and development of Ukraine, and increase public trust in state institutions.

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