
Introduction: Plants have been used for thousands of years to treat health disorders, to prevent diseases including epidemics, to flavor and conserve food. It is estimated that 250 to 500 thousand plant species are present on the earth, out of which merely 10 percent are used as a source of food by humans and animals. Objective: In the present work, antibacterial activity of five different Indian spices namely turmeric, clove, pepper, cinnamon and garlic was investigated against pathogens isolated from wound samples Method: The unknown bacteria were identified by different types of morphological and biochemical techniques such as serial dilutions spread plate methods, morphological studies and biochemical tests. The swabs of the patients were inoculated in 10 mL of sterile nutrient broth and incubated at 37oC for 24 h. The antibacterial activities of these Indian spices were evaluated using the disk diffusion method. A suspension of the microorganisms to be tested was spread on nutrient agar and MacConkey agar medium. The filter paper discs were placed on the agar plates, which were saturated with extract of spice. The plates were then incubated at 37oC for 24 h. The zone of inhibition was determined post-incubation by evaluating the diameter of the zone of inhibition. Results: The antibacterial activities of these Indian spices were evaluated using the disk diffusion method, and the inhibitory zones were recorded. It was quite evident from the result that cinnamon had a larger inhibition zone against P1NA3, P1MAC1 and least for P2NA2. Garlic exhibited a greater zone of inhibition against P2NA2, P3NA3 and least for P1MAC1. Clove had a maximum zone of inhibition against P1MAC2 and least with P3NA3. These spices displayed a zone of inhibition somewhat close to the control antibiotic drug, ampicillin. Conclusion: P1MNC2 showed a maximum zone of inhibition with clove (3 cm) at 100%. P2NA2 showed maximum antibacterial activity with garlic (3.6 cm) at 100% and minimum with cinnamon (1.1cm) at 20%. P3NA3 presented maximum antibacterial activity result with garlic (4.2 cm) at 100% and minimum with clove (1.2cm) at 20%. Spices are economical, more accessible to most of the population in the world. So, medicinal plants should be encouraged as potential candidates for new drugs.

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