
Anthers from three strains of triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) were cultured on B5 and Blaydes' basic media containing various concentrations and combinations of sucrose, 2,4‐D indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA), kinetin, amino acids, and coconut milk. The three strains of triticale reacted differentially in their development of callus in vitro although the percentages were low for each. The highest response (4.0%) was obtained with anthers of ‘Rosner’ cultured on B5 medium with 10% sucrose and supplemented with 2 rag/liter of IAA, kinetin, and 2,4‐D. Of a total of 9,246 anthers cultured from the three strains of triticale, 80 calluses were transplanted to differentiating medium. From this population, seven haploid (n = 21) albino plantlets developed.

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