
在我国新时代的教育事业进入内涵式发展的重要历史时期,现代职业教育在其服务社会层面的价值特征呈现出新的特点。基于高职教育人才培养全过程视角,界定了项目管理视角下的高职教育服务能力内涵,并构建了评价指标体系。同时,综合运用ANP和DS方法,构建了高职教育社会服务能力评价模型,并进行了实例分析。研究结果对于进一步科学评估高职院校社会服务能力和建立现代职业教育体系具有一定的理论和现实意义。 China’s new era of education has entered the important historical period of connotative development, so that the value of modern vocational education in its service society presents new features. Based on the perspective of talent training in higher vocational education, this paper defines the connotation of service ability of Higher Vocational Education from the perspective of project management, and constructs the evaluation index system. At the same time, based on the ANP and DS methods, the evaluation model of social service ability of higher vocational education is constructed, and an example is analyzed. The research results have certain theoretical and practical significance for further evaluating the social service ability and establishing modern vocational education system in Higher Vocational.

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